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Friday, February 09, 2007

Up-Date over een Super eBook: "The Day Job Killer..."

Ok, even een 'Verdien Geld met je Blog' up-date over een 'Super eBook': "The Day Job Killer..." Wederom een fantastische manier om geld te verdienen met je Blog (of site), Google Adwords én (dus ook) als Affiliate! En voorál voor de beginnende 'Affiliater' is dit hele waardevolle informatie...

Dit schijnt écht een Super eBook te zijn van 'maar' 69 pagina's, ik bedoel, níet omdat zo'n beetje iedere 'Online Guru' 't erover heeft, maar wél omdat één van mijn favoriete mentors dit product écht aanbeveeld.

Dat zegt jullie natuurlijk helemaal niets en dat is ook wel begrijpelijk hoor ; ) Het feit blijft wel dat tegen de tijd dat zij (Rosalind Gardner) een product aanbeveeld, je er wel vanuit mag gaan dat het écht een goed product is. Bovendien koopt ze de aan te bevelen ebooks uiteraard eerst zelf om er daarna, na grondig onderzoek, ook zelf van overtuigd te zijn dat het daadwerkelijk een goed product is...dit is er dus zo één!

En om dan gelijk even die 'aanbeveling' met jullie delen heb ik het mailtje die ik dus van Rosalind heb ontvangen even hieronder geplaatst:

"Hey Robert,

I had absolutely NO intention of even mentioning the 'latest and greatest' affiliate marketing ebook that was released this week - Day Job Killer.

Despite hearing from a few of my Internet and affiliate marketer friends that Chris' first book, 'Affiliate Project X', was 'good' - and some even went so far as to say it was 'great' - I didn't promote it.

Why? Because what I heard about some of the methods that Chris uses are not my style at all.

If you've read my Super Affiliate Handbook, you know that I have proven that long-term business sustainability and success as an affiliate is achievable by driving traffic primarily via PPC to a portal/review web site; the objective of which is to build BIG lists of loyal customers by building trust through real value.

Those affiliate marketers who have followed the plan I lay out are also very successful.

I've always tried to steer you clear of those 'plans' that definitely do NOT work - ie. those that don't include the first word on list building or PPC marketing and rely solely on a hope-and-a-prayer scammy search engine optimization methods. I hope you listened and kept your money in the bank.

However, there's always more than one way to skin a cat and it literally pays to have multiple marketing methods in your bag of tricks, which is why I've told you about both Colin McDougall's and Jeremy Palmer's work in the past. What they do is in some ways very similar to what I do and in other ways very different. Both are also very successful affiliate marketers whose ideas and techniques put valuable tools in your overall marketing arsenal.

In that vein, having read Chris and Ken's 'Day Job Killer' this morning - and despite the fact that I think some of their techniques are somewhat underhanded (still legal) - I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that I know that their techniques DO work.

I say that NOT because I know Chris and Ken personally, or that I can verify their income claims, but because I know under-the-radar Super Affiliates who use those same methods with GREAT success.

Let me be clear - this is not some pie-in-the-sky get-fabulously-wealthy-overnight scheme. Like all methods that work - you have to follow the plan, take ACTION and WORK to make it work.

'Day Job Killer' is short - just 69 pages in length, including the title page and table of contents.

If that's not short enough, you could put yourself on a 'fast-track' (ahead of all the other affiliates who are now reading 'Day Job Killer'), by reading and implementing the plan in the first section of the book (21 pages) - first.

Get some good results there and then move on to the following sections.

In a nutshell, Day Job Killer is particularly useful for Adwords users and those affiliates who are struggling to promote ClickBank products.

If that describes you, and the $77 price tag fits your budget, then the techniques that Day Job Killer might be right up your alley.

Get Day Job Killer today though, as they say that they plan to increase the price to $97.

Oh ya... I DID have one complaint about the book. The copy that I downloaded doesn't have clickable links. Now, one would THINK that two such rich affiliates could afford to buy the full version of Adobe and create a REAL pdf file that has a clickable Table of Contents and external links. Ugh. Oh well.. it's a minor issue in the big scheme of things. :-)

Til next time --- promote and prosper. :-)"

Dus, tot zover de up-date...

En wie is dan die Rosalind Gardner? Nou, dat is de eigenaresse van de site: en de schrijfster van het 'SuperAffliateHandbook', dus als je wat meer over haar te weten wilt komen ga dan gewoon even naar haar site... ; ) Zoniet, neem dan even een kijkje op de site van, de naam zegt het eigenlijk al...



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