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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Verdien geld met je Blog up-date: "The Best Form of Content..."

In één van mijn vorige 'posts' over "Hoe verdien je geld met je Blog?" noemde ik mijn favoriete bron van 'PLR articles' en daar wilde ik toch nog even een review van de maker van HyperVRE aan toevoegen, alleen al omdat het gewoon een leuk verhaal is...én tevens het ULTIEME voorbeeld wat betreft "Geld Verdienen Met je Blog" (of website)...

''Hey Robert,

Today I wanted to take you through what I believe is the best form
of content to use online and with HyperVRE.

You might remember a guy named, Mark Norwell (he's the first
testimonial on the HyperVRE site) whose son is currently pulling in
$240 per month PER site in AdSense commissions, and $35 per month
PER site in Affiliate commissions (the kid's 12 years old... yeah,
you heard that right - He's only 12!).

Now, one of the things that Mark told me is that his son built the
sites using PLR content (PLR means Private Label Rights content).
To be honest, I wasn't all that surprised by his comments since
I've seen a lot of success using PLR as well.

PLR content is basically content that you can put your name to,
articles that you can upload to your site, and use in anyway that
you like (depending on the site's terms of service).

To me, this is by far the best form of content to integrate with
HyperVRE. It's cheap per article (you shouldn't be paying $8 or
$10 for someone to write an article for you when you can pay .25
cents), it's great quality (provided you get it from the right
places), and it's dead easy to use.

I get much of my PLR content from PLR Pro.

Not only are they one of my primary sources for PLR, but they
currently lead the entire market in PLR content (I think they
produce something like 3000 or 4000 articles a month for their
business, and have a network of over 100 writers).

They also limit their content to 200 members per group... This
is an important attribute to look at because you don't want many
others having the exact same PLR content as you. So they limit
only 200 people per group. I'll explain this a little more because
it took me a little to bit to understand it too...

Basically they offer 440 articles per month across 11 niche topics
limited to only 200 people, and they have 5 Groups of 200 people.
What happens is, you join a 'Group' when you join
PLR Pro but also have the option of joining
additional groups as they become available.

As far as PLR content goes, these guys are the best in the
business, bar none.

Because I love what they do, I also asked them if they could
incorporate some HyperVRE templates on a monthly basis - and they
have agreed (they already do HTML and WordPress templates monthly).
So not only will you be getting PLR content on a monthly basis,
but you'll also be getting HyperVRE templates too!

I'm sure if a 12-year old kid can be successful using PLR
content with HyperVRE, then by putting your mind and effort to it,
you'll do the same.

==> PLR Pro

Have a great rest of the week,

Matt Callen

P.S. I forgot to mention... a couple of other things they do for us
members is full keyword research (up to 1000 keywords),
affiliate program research, multiple ________ content
(they do 7 ________ a month on top of ______.), training, and
a heck of a lot of other stuff. Can you say "over deliver"?!

P.P.S. Sorry for the _______ , that is actualy a 'little secret' bonus
for members only...and unfortunately I have been sworn to secrecy
on this bonus, and could actually have my account banned if I told you.
I am not kidding here either...''

Wederom niets aan toe te voegen eigenlijk (behalve dat je ook nog een BERG aan bonussen én 'tools' ontvangt!) en zeg nou zelf, dat was toch een leuk verhaal?...of niet natuurlijk ; )

Ok, hopelijk vonden jullie het wat. Tot de volgende keer maar weer...en tegen diegene die voor het eerst op mijn "Verdien geld met je Blog" zijn terechtgekomen zou ik zeggen, blijf gerust nog even.

Je zult er zeker iets van opsteken...

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